

Modifies the quality of forms created with Py5Graphics.curve() and Py5Graphics.curve_vertex().


Modifies the quality of forms created with Py5Graphics.curve() and Py5Graphics.curve_vertex(). The parameter tightness determines how the curve fits to the vertex points. The value 0.0 is the default value for tightness (this value defines the curves to be Catmull-Rom splines) and the value 1.0 connects all the points with straight lines. Values within the range -5.0 and 5.0 will deform the curves but will leave them recognizable and as values increase in magnitude, they will continue to deform.

This method is the same as curve_tightness() but linked to a Py5Graphics object. To see example code for how it can be used, see curve_tightness().

Underlying Processing method: PGraphics.curveTightness


    tightness: float,  # amount of deformation from the original vertices
) -> None

Updated on March 06, 2023 02:49:26am UTC