

The image() function draws an image to the display window.


example picture for image()

def setup():
    global img
    # images must be in the "data" directory to load correctly
    img = py5.load_image("laDefense.jpg")

def draw():
    py5.image(img, 0, 0)

example picture for image()

def setup():
    global img
    # images must be in the "data" directory to load correctly
    img = py5.load_image("laDefense.jpg")

def draw():
    py5.image(img, 0, 0)
    py5.image(img, 0, 0, py5.width//2, py5.height//2)


The image() function draws an image to the display window. Images must be in the Sketch’s “data” directory to load correctly. Py5 currently works with GIF, JPEG, and PNG images.

The img parameter specifies the image to display and by default the a and b parameters define the location of its upper-left corner. The image is displayed at its original size unless the c and d parameters specify a different size. The image_mode() function can be used to change the way these parameters draw the image.

Use the u1, u2, v1, and v2 parameters to use only a subset of the image. These values are always specified in image space location, regardless of the current texture_mode() setting.

The color of an image may be modified with the tint() function. This function will maintain transparency for GIF and PNG images.

Underlying Processing method: image


    img: Py5Image,  # the image to display
    a: float,  # x-coordinate of the image by default
    b: float,  # y-coordinate of the image by default
) -> None

    img: Py5Image,  # the image to display
    a: float,  # x-coordinate of the image by default
    b: float,  # y-coordinate of the image by default
    c: float,  # width to display the image by default
    d: float,  # height to display the image by default
) -> None

    img: Py5Image,  # the image to display
    a: float,  # x-coordinate of the image by default
    b: float,  # y-coordinate of the image by default
    c: float,  # width to display the image by default
    d: float,  # height to display the image by default
    u1: int,  # x-coordinate of the upper left corner of image subset
    v1: int,  # y-coordinate of the upper left corner of image subset
    u2: int,  # x-coordinate of the lower right corner of image subset
    v2: int,  # y-coordinate of the lower right corner of image subset
) -> None

Updated on March 06, 2023 02:49:26am UTC