

Draws all geometry with smooth (anti-aliased) edges.


def setup():

def draw():
    py5.ellipse(30, 48, 36, 36)
    py5.ellipse(70, 48, 36, 36)
x = 0

def setup():
    py5.full_screen(py5.P2D, py5.SPAN)

def draw():
    global x
    py5.ellipse(x, py5.height//2, py5.height/4, py5.height/4)
    x += 1


Draws all geometry with smooth (anti-aliased) edges. This behavior is the default, so smooth() only needs to be used when a program needs to set the smoothing in a different way. The level parameter increases the amount of smoothness. This is the level of over sampling applied to the graphics buffer.

With the P2D and P3D renderers, smooth(2) is the default, this is called “2x anti-aliasing.” The code smooth(4) is used for 4x anti-aliasing and smooth(8) is specified for “8x anti-aliasing.” The maximum anti-aliasing level is determined by the hardware of the machine that is running the software, so smooth(4) and smooth(8) will not work with every computer.

The default renderer uses smooth(3) by default. This is bicubic smoothing. The other option for the default renderer is smooth(2), which is bilinear smoothing.

The smooth() function can only be set once within a Sketch. It is intended to be called from the settings() function. The no_smooth() function follows the same rules.

When programming in module mode and imported mode, py5 will allow calls to smooth() from the setup() function if it is called at the beginning of setup(). This allows the user to omit the settings() function, much like what can be done while programming in the Processing IDE. Py5 does this by inspecting the setup() function and attempting to split it into synthetic settings() and setup() functions if both were not created by the user and the real setup() function contains a call to smooth(), or calls to size(), full_screen(), no_smooth(), or pixel_density(). Calls to those functions must be at the very beginning of setup(), before any other Python code (but comments are ok). This feature is not available when programming in class mode.

Underlying Processing method: smooth


smooth() -> None

    level: int,  # either 2, 3, 4, or 8 depending on the renderer
) -> None

Updated on March 18, 2024 05:08:14am UTC