

Pickle a Python object to a file.


data = dict(mouse_x=[], mouse_y=[])

def setup():
    py5.size(250, 250)

def draw():
    py5.point(py5.mouse_x, py5.mouse_y)
    if py5.frame_count == 600:
        py5.save_pickle(data, 'data/mouse_positions.pkl')


Pickle a Python object to a file. If filename is not an absolute path, it will be saved relative to the current working directory (sketch_path()). The saved file can be reloaded with load_pickle().

Object “pickling” is a technique for serializing objects and saving them to a file for later retrieval. The recreated objects will be clones of the original objects. Not all Python objects can be saved to a Python pickle file. This limitation prevents any py5 object from being pickled.

When using py5 in imported mode, pickling will not work on objects instantiated from new classes you have defined yourself on the main sketch file. This applies to py5’s save_pickle() and load_pickle() methods, as well as the Python’s standard library pickle module methods they depend upon. If you need to pickle objects from classes you defined, move the class definitions to a different .py file that you import as a module or import the classes from. Otherwise, you could also try using module mode if you want to use pickle with your classes and keep all the sketch code in a single file.


    obj: Any,  # any non-py5 Python object
    filename: Union[str, Path],  # filename to save pickled object to
) -> None

Updated on March 18, 2024 05:24:22am UTC