

Re-maps a number from one range to another.


example picture for remap()

def setup():
    py5.size(200, 200)
    value = 0.5
    # remap 0.5 to be half of the width
    m = py5.remap(value, 0, 1, 0, py5.width)
    py5.ellipse(m, 100, 10, 10)
def setup():
    value = 110
    m = py5.remap(value, 0, 100, -20, -10)
    py5.println(m)  # Prints "-9.0"
def setup():
    py5.size(200, 200)

def draw():
    x1 = py5.remap(py5.mouse_x, 0, py5.width, 50, 150)
    py5.ellipse(x1, 75, 50, 50)
    x2 = py5.remap(py5.mouse_x, 0, py5.width, 0, 200)
    py5.ellipse(x2, 125, 50, 50)


Re-maps a number from one range to another.

In the first example, the number 0.5 is converted from a value in the range of 0 to 1 into a value that ranges from the left edge of the window (0) to the right edge (width).

As shown in the second example, numbers outside of the range are not clamped to the minimum and maximum parameters values, because out-of-range values are often intentional and useful. If that isn’t what you want, try pairing this function with constrain().

In Processing this functionality is provided by map() but was renamed in py5 because of a name conflict with a builtin Python function.


    value: Union[float, npt.NDArray],  # the incoming value to be converted
    start1: Union[float, npt.NDArray],  # lower bound of the value's current range
    stop1: Union[float, npt.NDArray],  # upper bound of the value's current range
    start2: Union[float, npt.NDArray],  # lower bound of the value's target range
    stop2: Union[float, npt.NDArray],  # upper bound of the value's target range
) -> Union[float, npt.NDArray]

Updated on March 06, 2023 02:49:26am UTC