

Customize where the output of println() goes.


class _PrintlnFileStream:

    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.filename = filename
        self.f = None

    def print(self, text, end="\n", stderr=False):
        if self.f is None:
            self.f = open(self.filename, "w")

        print(text, end=end, file=self.f)

    def shutdown(self):

def setup():
    py5.size(200, 200)

def draw():
    py5.rect(py5.mouse_x, py5.mouse_y, 10, 10)
    py5.println(f"mouse position={py5.mouse_x}, {py5.mouse_y}")


Customize where the output of println() goes.

The passed println_stream object must provide print() and shutdown() methods, as shown in the example. The example demonstrates how to configure py5 to output println() text to a file.

When running a Sketch asynchronously through Jupyter Notebook, any print statements using Python’s builtin function will always appear in the output of the currently active cell. This will rarely be desirable, as the active cell will keep changing as the user executes code elsewhere in the notebook. The println() method was created to provide users with print functionality in a Sketch without having to cope with output moving from one cell to the next. Use set_println_stream to change how the output is handled.


    println_stream: Any,  # println stream object to be used by println method
) -> None

Updated on April 15, 2024 20:36:58pm UTC