

Sets the way text draws to the Py5Graphics drawing surface, either as texture maps or as vector geometry.


Sets the way text draws to the Py5Graphics drawing surface, either as texture maps or as vector geometry. The default text_mode(MODEL), uses textures to render the fonts. The text_mode(SHAPE) mode draws text using the glyph outlines of individual characters rather than as textures. This mode is only supported with the PDF and P3D renderer settings. With the PDF renderer, you must call text_mode(SHAPE) before any other drawing occurs. If the outlines are not available, then text_mode(SHAPE) will be ignored and text_mode(MODEL) will be used instead.

The text_mode(SHAPE) option in P3D can be combined with Py5Graphics.begin_raw() to write vector-accurate text to 2D and 3D output files, for instance DXF or PDF. The SHAPE mode is not currently optimized for P3D, so if recording shape data, use text_mode(MODEL) until you’re ready to capture the geometry with Py5Graphics.begin_raw().

This method is the same as text_mode() but linked to a Py5Graphics object. To see example code for how it can be used, see text_mode().

Underlying Processing method: PGraphics.textMode


    mode: int,  # either MODEL or SHAPE
) -> None

Updated on March 06, 2023 02:49:26am UTC