

Load a list of strings from a file or URL.


def setup():
    global mouse_x_positions, mouse_y_positions
    py5.size(250, 250)
    mouse_x_positions = py5.load_strings('mouse_x_positions.txt')
    mouse_y_positions = py5.load_strings('mouse_y_positions.txt')

def draw():
    i = py5.frame_count
    if i < len(mouse_x_positions) and i < len(mouse_y_positions):
        py5.point(int(mouse_x_positions[i]), int(mouse_y_positions[i]))


Load a list of strings from a file or URL. When loading a file, the path can be in the data directory, relative to the current working directory (sketch_path()), or an absolute path. When loading from a URL, the string_path parameter must start with http:// or https://.

When loading string data from a URL, the data is retrieved using the Python requests library with the get method, and any extra keyword arguments (the kwargs parameter) are passed along to that method. When loading string data from a file, the kwargs parameter is not used.


    string_path: Union[str, Path],  # url or file path for string data file
    **kwargs: dict[str, Any]
) -> list[str]

Updated on March 18, 2024 05:29:28am UTC