

Sets the current alignment for drawing text.


Sets the current alignment for drawing text. The parameters LEFT, CENTER, and RIGHT set the display characteristics of the letters in relation to the values for the x and y parameters of the Py5Graphics.text() function.

An optional second parameter can be used to vertically align the text. BASELINE is the default, and the vertical alignment will be reset to BASELINE if the second parameter is not used. The TOP and CENTER parameters are straightforward. The BOTTOM parameter offsets the line based on the current Py5Graphics.text_descent(). For multiple lines, the final line will be aligned to the bottom, with the previous lines appearing above it.

When using Py5Graphics.text() with width and height parameters, BASELINE is ignored, and treated as TOP. (Otherwise, text would by default draw outside the box, since BASELINE is the default setting. BASELINE is not a useful drawing mode for text drawn in a rectangle.)

The vertical alignment is based on the value of Py5Graphics.text_ascent(), which many fonts do not specify correctly. It may be necessary to use a hack and offset by a few pixels by hand so that the offset looks correct. To do this as less of a hack, use some percentage of Py5Graphics.text_ascent() or Py5Graphics.text_descent() so that the hack works even if you change the size of the font.

This method is the same as text_align() but linked to a Py5Graphics object. To see example code for how it can be used, see text_align().

Underlying Processing method: PGraphics.textAlign


    align_x: int,  # horizontal alignment, either LEFT, CENTER, or RIGHT
) -> None

    align_x: int,  # horizontal alignment, either LEFT, CENTER, or RIGHT
    align_y: int,  # vertical alignment, either TOP, BOTTOM, CENTER, or BASELINE
) -> None

Updated on March 06, 2023 02:49:26am UTC